Career Service invites you to participate in the #DigitalTransformationCareerCompetition, an afternoon #hackathon dedicated to subjects connected to innovative aspects guided by the #DigitalTransformation. The event will be online on November 25th from 14:00 to 17.30.

What is this event?
Together with your team, made up of Master Science students from different courses will compete on a task related to innovation in the digital transformation field.

Goal of this activity?
Design a work related to the proposed task and present it to the jury composed of the companies.
The teams will be evaluated for their technical and creative skills.

Criteria to participate in this event:
Being a Master of Science student in Electronic Engineering, Computing Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Management Engineering, Automation Engineering and Digital and Interaction Design. 

Chronological order of registration: the first 50 students enrolled in this event can participate

How to participate?
To attend to this event, you will need to register here. When you register in this activity, we ask you some preliminary questions to divide participants in heterogeneous teams. Career Service will communicate the teams during the event on November 25th. If you are interested in involving some of your classmates, you can indicate this in the preliminary questions.

The deadline to register in this event is November 21, 2021; after this date, Career Service will contact you via e-mail to confirm your participation.

The event will be held in English. The meeting is part of the Career Service Award programme. Please note: all events are dedicated to Polimi students and graduates only.